The Odd Couple (Rangashankara, Bangalore)
The first experience was just amazing with the perfect ambience of Rangashankara. It was my first visit to Rangashankara and stunning would be the least to say about the auditorium. It has the perfect theatre setup and I was surprised that I didnt know about this place being in Bangalore for years. I was so excited then when I entered the auditioruim as it was my first English-theatre-play experience. The play was a laughter riot and all I could remember was laughing for every dialogue and every scene of the play. Karthik and TMS(?!!!) were simply superb with their performances. It was fun, fun and fun watching Odd Couple except that music they had before the play. It really sucked.
Hamlet – Original Spoof (Chowdiah Hall, Bangalore)
With so much expectations after Odd Couple I went to this play and it was little disappointing. The Python chapters thrusted before the play were more funny than the actual play on that day. Hamlet- Original Spoof just fell short of being a great entertainment. But the Python chapters were hilarious.
Python Hyssssssteria Side A (Sivagami Pethachi Auditorium , Chennai)
This was great even though few chapters were repeated from the Hamlet-Oringinal Spoof show. All of them were funny and the show was full of laughter. Some chapters were awesome.
Always look on the Bright Side of life (Alliance Francais, Bangalore)
This was just a repeat of what was titled as Python Hyssssssteria Side A in Chennai and this time with a different title for Bangalore. Bleddy marketing gimmicks. I wanted to hate this people but in the end I just loved watching all the chapters again. Whatever, I would have enjoyed it more really if it were some new play or at least some new chapters in Python style or atleast an announcement that its the same would have been better as this turned out to be a disappointment for me. Did I mention about that mattress seating arrangements?
Five Point Someone (Music Academy, Chennai)
This being the much awaited play and they announced it months before, I was just wondering how the play is gonna be. The guys who played the characters Alok, Hari and Ryan were just perfect with their performances. The play was a perfect adaptation of the novel. I enjoyed every bit of it and very sad in the end when they announced that it was the last show performance of a guy who performed the role of Hari. It was huge crowd on that day and we had a great difficulty in parking area after the show :)
And now, waiting for their next visit...
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